Blue Dragon Scale-up Accelerator
This work package focuses on testing and foremost scaling-up of new ideas and innovative solutions. To implement, Blue Dragon Challenge, a competition, will be organized every 02 years to bring out new ideas and innovative solutions for a specific water management issue. The following criteria form the basis for every challenge:The Challenge targets a specific issue addressed by a Blue Dragon Pool.Every entry requires a partnership between at least 1 Vietnamese and 1 Dutch partner. Combinations of one or more companies and/or knowledge institutes and/or civil society organizations or NGOs is a pre.The ideas and solutions to be developed are transferable to other areas in Mekong Delta. Identifying opportunities, conditions, and requirements for upscaling are part of the entry.A Challenge commission will identify selection criteria and later on will select the winning entrie(s).Depending on the specific Challenge, the most promising entries will receive a budget to further develop the idea with a business case for an actual, experiment, test, or pilot and a plan to monitor implementation.The winning entry will be announced during Blue Dragon Day and receive a price. Part of the price is the actual implementation of the experiment, test, or pilot.